Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Musings from a lonely vantage point

The reason tattoos are so intimidating to people is that it indicates that the wearer has pretty poor reasoning skills. They can't see the consequences of their actions. Live for the moment and the instant gratification. Without seeing and weighing those consequences they are subject to a set of expectations different to yours. They care less about what prison life will be like, not even considering that possibility but completely wrapped up in what your blood will taste like.

I don't like my hair. At all. It doesn't look like how I think it should based on running my hands through it. The physical equivalent of hearing your voice recorded and realising you sound like a total conceited prick. I don't like my voice either, but where I'm stuck with that the barber media machine repeatedly convinces me that I can make my hair better. I can't. I know that now.

My brothers are in any given situation completely fucking useless. One will wait until I have toiled and admitted defeat before telling me what I should have done and how he knows a guy who has a job-o-matic-doer 5000 who could have done that in 2 minutes. The other is useless in a much more classical way. Faced with a choice I prefer the classical approach.

I don't like bars and nightclubs. I approached one girl and politely told her that she looked like a young Dr. Beverly Crusher. I meant of course a youthful looking Dr Crusher as re-imagined from her attractive self in the later episodes not the early episodes where she looked a little like Wesley Crushers 'aul one. Long story short, we never reached that level of conversation because it appears I have fundamentally different interests to the nightclub set.

Having stood at the end of the Dublin Marathon I can tell you that not one of the runners looked triumphant or godly. They looked in pain. They looked emaciated. The sweat had caked on their faces to leave a light white crusting and they needed a little sit down and maybe medical attention. In the absence of facts or any reputable organisation willing to undertake the study I'm going to just make an assumption and put it out there - Marathon running on balance over a 20 year period is worse that smoking. For some reason though people will treat you like you're Neil Armstrong just after delivering the first baby on the Moon for doing that to yourself. I don't get it. If self harm is what people are into I'll cut myself a little the next night we're all out.

A smokin' hot lady and a man in control of his hair

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