Sunday, June 27, 2010

Double standards

So lately I've been thinking alot about relationships, what they mean, how they are defined and all the big questions.

When stuff like this starts piling up inside the only thing you can do is think "what would Swayze do?".

In Dirty Dancing Swayze begins a relationship with Jennifer Grey. Swayze is serious as is Grey. Swayze is a little older and Grey's father, Jerry Orbach is against it.

Does Swayze sit him down and reason it out? Does he explain the depth of his feelings? Point out that he Swayze was born on 18/08/52 and Grey was born on 26/03/60 and compare that to Orbach who born on 20/10/35 and his wife Kelly Bishop 28/02/44. Does he point out the similar age difference?

No. He just fucking dances. When reason and even violence fail us, just fucking dance.

Maybe that's what Lady Gaga was talking about.


  1. Surely you're not saying that violence could ever fail you?

  2. In the terribly unlikely event that it should, at least I have a back up plan.
