Saturday, August 14, 2010

By way of analogy

Somewhere in our childhood years someone managed to convince us that being a grown up was something to aspire to. Much like in Inception, this idea took hold and grew into something that it was never meant to be, something untrue.

Somehow being an adult and having bigger toys wasn't good enough, we had to act responsibly. This became an end in itself, the joy was to come from the feeling of being older and mature and not from being old enough to get away with the stuff that kids find fun.

Think of it in terms of wine and coke. Wine is horrible, some people have forced themselves to drink it. Some more odious people to have and offer opinions on it, but at it's heart it tastes horrible. I'm sure if I had taken the time to check the wikipedia entry on wine it would in the first paragraph mention that it's disgusting.

Coke on the other hand is awesome. It's sweet and it bubbles. Whatever that chemically constructed vegetable extract flavour is it's delicious. Ice cold on a warm day - nothing better. What really brings out the flavour of a white fish meal with a light dressing? Coke! Why? 'cos it's fucking fantastic.

Now as children we knew this, but during the growing up mindfuck some of you started drinking wine. Shame on you. If you wanted to get drunk, just make some special coke with your choice of special ingredient which won't ruin that lovely coke flavour.

The same is true of conversation and sex. Somewhere in there, slipped in with the idea that wine is nice and coke is for children they told us that a healthy relationship relied on conversation and mutual respect at its heart. As a child I knew that getting what I wanted when I wanted was the important thing.

Not talking. Especially not about my feelings. I have no feelings. At least none that I want to talk about. If ever I have an issue I want to verbalise I can tell my dog.

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